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Riverside Inverness and Kyora Section 1930s – Kew East


Riverside Inverness and Kyora Section 1930s – Kew East

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This is probably the bottom half of a poster for a development on the north east corner of Burke and Doncaster Roads. The actual auction was on the 12th of February, 1938.  It was reported (The Argus on Monday 14th February, 1938 page 2) that land on Doncaster Road went for £8 to £8-5-0 per frontage foot – say £500 a block. In Walbundry Avenue, £6-17-6 to £8-15-0 per foot. While in Riverside Avenue sales went through at £5-10-0 to £7-17-6, lot 97 may have gone for £7 as someone (maybe the purchaser) has pencilled in £7. Other made roads went for around £7 per foot while the unmade roads sold for £2-12-6 to £4 per foot.

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